
Smart City Maturity & Benchmark model – TM Forum

The Forum’s strategic vision is to provide the business blueprint and technology for a scalable and sustainable Smart City, underpinning the top 100 Smart Cities by 2020.

Smart City Maturity & Benchmark model allows you to assess and benchmark your city’s current and future smart city status.

Smart City Maturity & Benchmark model

The Smart City Maturity and Benchmark Model has been designed to capture the key aspects of a city’s transformation journey to become a smarter city. A smart city is characterized by a high level of community and citizen engagement, by its attractiveness for businesses and by efficient and sustainable city operations.

The model allows a city to quickly assess its strengths and weaknesses in five key dimension areas related to city smartness and to set clear goals as how it wishes to transform over the next two to five years.

The model will allow YOU to:

  • Assess the current “as-is” situation across all smart city dimensions. It is designed to be simple enough to allow quick completion, while being comprehensive enough to cover the key issues in smart city transformation. The assessment scale is specific and concrete to allow easy and definitive judgement of the current status of the city.
  • Learn more about the challenges and success of other areas of city life. If the model is completed in the way suggested – i.e. by a group of city leaders working together – then each of them will gain a much better understanding of how city transformation is being tackled throughout the city.
  • Articulate the future “to-be” situation. Once completed, the maturity model makes it easier for the city to set clearly defined transformational goals per dimension, to outline where it needs to be on a two to five year horizon.
  • Benefit from global best practice in making the transformation happen. Each of the 225 smart city qualifiers in the survey has a reference to global best practice or standards that may be applied. This serves as a guide to finding further direction for achieving the “to-be” situation.

Source: Smart City Maturity & Benchmark model – TM Forum

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